Friday 26 September 2014

Buying Decision Making Process

Consumers/Customers when faced a problem will try to solve it  mainly by two ways. Either from their past experiences or by getting information from other sources like friends, internet, promotions of products etc., 

Then they evaluate the options and will decide what to buy. The post purchase behavior will decide whether he will become a repeated customer or not. The following table explains the step wise procedure of customer buying behavior 

Zandu balm is more of impulse buying or of precautionary measure. Customers when suffer with Headache, Body pains or Nasal congestion will look for some relief measures, which creates an urge to buy a relieving balm or tablets. 

Some main features which drives them towards Zandubalm are its

  • strong scent, 
  • immediate relief promise, 
  • ayurvedic nature(so no side effects), 
  • availability, 
  • affordability. 

People also driven by its publicity and information from public sources like family, friends and others. Its brand name which now has 100 years of history made it the most trusted brand in its sector. Brand value also gave a push to people who are first time buyers.

The people who had a prior experience with the brand Zandu balm and used it for a while are opting for it again as it was effective and gave them immediate relief from their problem.. Even people became so accustomed to it packaging. 

So the company when  thought of making changes to its packaging  didn't change its green color. Satisfaction is the factor which enables the repeated buying behavior in the customers, If the product didnot meet customers expectations, he will be disappointed, If the product meets his expectations he will be satisfied, If it exceeds, he will be delighted and will become a loyal customer.

Zandu balm earned many such loyal customers over 100 years such that it became a part of their monthly groceries list.

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