Friday 26 September 2014

Product Mix

Marketers classify products as Durables and Non-durables and services. Zandu balm falls under the category of Non-durables. Non-durables are hte products which are consumed in few uses and are purchased frequently. 

The product Hierachy is as folows

The need family
The product family
Product class
Product lihne
Product type

In case of Zandu balm it is as follows respectively

Product levels - Customer hierachy

Core benefit provided by the product is Pain relief and that creates the basic product 

The marketers prepare the expected product to cater to its customers. Zandu balm is formulatedas immediate pain relief balm.

To overcome the competition in the market they develop it into the augmented product. They made it in affordable prices and easily portable sizes to meet the demand of the customers.

All possible augmentations done will create a potential product for the market. Now they are struggling to come up with a new strategy to overcome the competetion from the pain relief sprays.

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